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Wednesday, February 28, 2007

2day got stay baq 4 Hans Vision thingy... but then
ehh...halfway nid 2 go 4 NCC e thing cause no shoe size -.-"
then sit there wait &&amp;amp; wait && wait... then e crappy 155 take
my pen knife away... he tot i Slasher siia~!! then say show me
ur wrist >.<" i wun wanna scar my self siia~!! then he dun wan
give me my pen knife baq :'( then he && his stupid tie... kip on
making me wif e tie larhh -.-" then sumore hitt my right shoulder larh...
crapp!! my shoulder got "injury" wann norhx!! now shoulder pain... Arghh!!
he ask me whye i join NCC then i say cause HQ joining...then he ask HQ
whye she join she say cause yeexuan join...then he say whye i eat
dinner?!! Kns!! then bigg mouth huiqi strikes agn... say i join cause of
hym!! >.<" crapp!! i really really wann my pen knife baq u crappy ass-ed


there is more 2 my day but iie dunn feel lyk riting abt itt :DD

iie laziie siia~!! =P



2/28/2007 06:57:00 PM

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

2day got NCC :DD

then we take measurements 4 uni' :DD

we getting it on 7.3.o7 :DD

but me HQ mich xiang yue no shoe size so 2morrow gonna stay baq take measurements agn:DD

we all everything same size wann :DD

and sum bigg mouth gurll told joyce i lyk ***** & ***** & ****** and alot of boiis ... Argh!! she so mean >.<"



2/27/2007 09:34:00 PM

Saturday, February 24, 2007

hiax... sittin' at com' bloggin' && drinkin' chestnuts...

{chestnuts are yummy:DD }

{dun think wierd...}

{dun think abt tat "chestnut"...}

{eveytym i say sumthing abt chestnut ... ue all think abt tat "chesnut"}

2/24/2007 08:11:00 PM

Friday, February 23, 2007

i failed home econs test >.<" so diff lors... && i think e lowest is 5... obtained by kelvin... 2nd lowest is btaines by his partner... xD during e lesson... e taecher call jon' & friends idiot... hahs:DD

&& aft schl my mum bring me huiqi && linda 2 SNGS 2 eat then we go AMK hub... so we all go walk arnd... then kip on joking abt linda's height... and kip on saying MILK = GROWING TALLER then kip on laughing at anything tats gotta do wif milk ... lolx ... then huiqi dun lyk my schl cause got 2 many gurlls... then when she cum out got "withdrawal symthomps" ... kip on looking at boiis... old man oso wann 2 look at...then we go take pix :DD

aft tat we went 4 cross country... then its quite funn lorrs...but then got muscle ache then cant run so fast cause of e 100 squatts we do ytd...then 155cm took his shirt of and run >.<" then linda was lyk so happy when she heard tat Don got in 1st... hais...admiration siia~!! :DD then we wait quite long 4 my mum so they end up nid go toilet and at ther no toilet... so we walk 2 hougang mall go toilet.. . then wann find public fone call my mum... but then e whole shopping centre onli lyk got 1 fone onli lors... now i believe tat no fone 4 1 day very inconvinet >.<"


2/23/2007 07:41:00 PM

Thursday, February 22, 2007

2day during jonathan && ppl... play wif plastic water bottle... then hit my leg 2 tyms & my mouth 1 tym neh... so swayy~!! then zheng yu && chun wee kipp on closing e baq dorr... then kipp on playing "tug-of-war" e opposite... then zing help them la...WTH~!! 3 big GUYs against 4 small GURLLS... tats jus plain MEAN!! >.<" BIG BULLIES!! -.-" then in v.ball nid do e squatts... do all 2gether 7o squatts -.-" legg all jelly liao... then aft training we played "truth or dare" then my turn then i choose dare then they call me tell 155cm tat iie lyk hym -.-" then he jus lyk so so near la... then go say so loud -.-" ... SABO me... ii so hurt... *sniff sniff* but iie LURVE choco more :DD


2/22/2007 08:20:00 PM

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

arghh!! 2day is e worse day of my freedom-less lyf >.<"

1st: i was mistaken 2 be 153cm && 6o kg... && was in TAF ... WTF!! i'm lyk onli 158cm && 43kg la... jasmine...she blurr blurr think tat last tym using old namelist then mr roslan call n0. 8 then she "take" my place...

2nd: i suppose 2 stay baq fer TAF briefing... then my dad think i stay baq 4 fun... then say i bluff my mum narhx... so wad lorr... nv find out truth then accuse miie... >.<"

3rd: monday nid 2 stay baq... 4 height && weight retake... then surely dad say stay baq 4 fun onli... -.-" then kenah scolding agn...

4th: linda && huiqi go sms 155cm say:"i love ue i like ue" WTF!! they go sabo me wann norhx -.-" idiots... i'll get mua revenge... one dae...

5th: handphone bill BLAST-ed ... then i trying not 2 sms... so when sumone sms me then i call e person... then my dad say i use 2 much of e fone && com' -.-" WTH!! call me dun sms then i call then ue scold... there's no connection... *Heelloo~!! * wake up man~!! *


Arghh!! Crapp ue ppl tat make my 0oh-so-perfect lyf suck lyk H3ll~!! >.<" ppl who do tat are e most evil~!!

i shall say it agn... "CRAPP UE PPL TAT MAKE MY LYF SUCK LYK H3ll~!!"


i feel alrite aft "lettin' out steam" ~!! haix... i love my blogg ferr tat ooh-so-sweet reason:DD i wann my M&Ms :DD


2/21/2007 09:08:00 PM

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

i miss e tyms

  • we had 2gether ...
  • we made e teacher's super-uper pissed off ...
  • we played rough...
  • we talk "dirty"...
  • we ate 0range b0wl!!
  • we chased each other around e lvl && abt e schl :DD
  • we talked abt our problems...

we practically did everything 2gether...

although we had fights...

we still remained as friends through out e yr...

6 faith 'o6 will always remained in my hart...

a memory i will never lose...

i hartx ue 6 faith 'o6...

2/20/2007 02:55:00 PM

Monday, February 19, 2007

[ e KAwAi! pri 0ne guy ]

[ he has Chestnut hair siia~!! :DD ]

[ m & m tat i'n gonna bring tuh schl on wednesday...anione wann any?? ]

[ e special peanuts tat hab STRIPES!! ]

[ actin' fierce ]

tis CNY fun siia~!! :DD


iie wann my ANG P0Ws :DD


2/19/2007 05:35:00 PM

boy: hey, have u seen my g/f 2day?
friend: no
boy: oh...
friend: she wasnt here yesterday either.
boy: i know, she was acting all wierd on the phone last nite.
friend: well dude u know how gurls are sumtimes
boy: yeah........but not her.
friend: i duno wht else 2 say, man.
boy: k well i gotta get 2 english, i'll c ya after school.
friend: yeah i gotta get to science 2.

THAT NIGHT:-ring--ring--ring--ring~!!

girl: hello?
boy: hey
girl: oh, hi.
boy: y weren't u at school 2day?
girl: uh.......i had another doctor appointment .
boy: are u sick?
girl: ...um i have 2 go, my mom's callin on my other line.
boy: i'll wait.
girl: it may take a while, i'll call u later.
boy:...alright, i love u hun.

very long pause.

girl: (with tear in her eye) look, i think we should break up.
boy: what???
girl: its the best thing for us right now.
boy: y????
girl: i love u.



boy: hey dude
friend: hey
boy: whats up
friend: nothin, hey have u talked 2 ur ex lately?
boy: no
friend: so u didnt hear?
boy: hear what?
friend: um..i duno if i should be the one to tell u......
boy: dude, wtf tell me
friend: uh....call this number....433-555-3468
boy: ok...



voice:hello, suppam county hospital,this is nurse beckam.
boy: uh...i must have the wrong number, i'm looking for my friend.
voice: what is her name, sir?

(boy gives info)

voice: yes, this is the right number,she is one of our patients here.
boy: really? y? what happened??? how is she???
voice: her room number is ..646, in building A,suite 3.
boy: WHT HAPPENED??!!!!
voice: plz come by sir and you can see her,good bye.
boy: WAIT! NO!

*dial tone*



boy- omg are u ok??
girl: ...
boy: sweetie!! talk to me!!
girl: i...
boy:u what?? U WHAT???
girl:i have cancer and i'm on life support

>breaks into tears<

girl: they're taking me off 2 night
boy: y??
girl: i wanted 2 tell u but i couldnt
boy: y didnt u tell me????
girl: i didnt want 2 hurt u.
boy: u could never hurt me
girl: i just wanted 2 c if u felt bout me as the same i felt bout u.
boy: ?
girl: i love u more than anything, i would give u the world in a heartbeat. i would die for you and take a bullet for you.
girl: dont be sad, i love u n i'll always be here w/ u
boy :then y'd u break up w/ me?
nurse:young man, visiting hours are over.


but wht the boy didn't know's that the girl only asked him those questions so she could hear him say it one last time, and she only broke up w/ him because she knew she only had 3 more weeks to live, and thought it would cause him less pain and give him time to get over her before she died.NEXT DAY the boy is found dead with a gun in his hand..with a note in the other...

THE NOTE SAID:i told her i would take a bullet for her....just like she said she would die for me...

re-post this within 10 minutes or else the one you love will die REPOST THIS SAYING boy calls his gf after school

i found tis in friendster...
it suppose tuh be a chain msg ... but i post it here coz i think its quite touchin' :DD


2/19/2007 04:57:00 PM

Sunday, February 18, 2007

yayy-ness 2day change music 2 tyms :DD && i colleted ANG P0Ws :DD && now i'm asking wiinsome 2 give me ANG P0Ws in advance :DD cause iie noe who she gonna marry :DD Weetweeett~!! :DD 2day i laze arnd :DD CNY alrdy teacher still give home work >.<"


2/18/2007 09:25:00 PM

Friday, February 16, 2007

i learnt tat chestnuts are hairy on e outside && brown on e inside && can be cut opened :DD i learn all those in home econs klass :DD i so guaii horr...i gort listen in klass wann horr :DD


2/16/2007 09:31:00 PM

e lion dance troupe e drummer is lyk super cute... but he is a Ahbeng >.<"

2/16/2007 08:29:00 PM

2day i went baq 2 SNGS 2 see friends &&amp; teacher :DD && i finally get tuh eat 0range b0wl:DD Yay-ness :DD it tasted "heavenly" hahas :DD && athe,ash,phua,calan',flower all look diff' :DD everybody ask me Whye i cut hair... && dun believe tat i Asst. moni' :'[ so bad ... then say i flirt wif boiis >.<" then dun belive ii no Boiifriend....so bad norhx >.<" && iie bite many ppl there !! :DD

&& 2day e CNY celebration its so diff frm SNGS CNY celebration ... but its still okae :DD

iie lurve e hart ash gib me :DD
iie lurve u ash :DD

black-black small-small,maggie huang yi xin i will not 4 get 2day... e day ue "shoot" me wif ur stupid small water gun tat is ur size !! i will get my revenge on ue 1 day...wif a "gun" of my size...wahaha...


2/16/2007 07:52:00 PM

Thursday, February 15, 2007

2day i was so pissed off by tat berNERD soh!! tat i ___ i so damn hate hym!! nvm... 2day e idiot kelvin && jon kip steppin' my shoe >.<" they tok so much crapp wann norhx >.<" and when i went 2 schl... every body so shock tat iie cutt hair :DD tehn they say look lyk toddler >.<" ... ii so tall look lyk toddler meh?? haix.. then e hair so diff tie larhx... and 2day D.D. kenah scolding :'[ so sad... i 2day oso recieve letter frm e 3e3 guy agn :DD

2/15/2007 10:21:00 PM

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

2day tat idiotic berNERD soh kipp on picking on me larh!! i feel lyk breakin' out in tears && killing hym larh!! IIE HATE HYM!! HE SUX LYK "FISH" !! he's worse than fish... >.<" iie hate hym!! 2day valentione day... i brought choco 4 every one :DD i still have afew in my lockers...anyone wanns choco?? ib u wann i tell u my combinations u ownself go take... mua locker no. ish [115] :DD 2 day 155cm wanted choco but he second lvl && i cant throw 2 hym cause my last tym shoulder sprain e pain cum baq liao...so if i throw later even more pain >.<" sorry arh... 2morrow call hym ownself go take...and horr...2 day i got a letter frm sumone frm 3e3...but no write e name >.<" ...i'm lyk WTF ... how ue noe me name?? crapp!!

anyway after schl suppose go NCC briefing...but i no go...cause i cut hair :DD i cut hair until short-short:DD but still look ok...i hide hair gibb ppl suprise :DD


2/14/2007 10:27:00 PM

Hippie-Happie ValentineDay 2 all swaii ge ge-s && hot-hot babes!!

X0x0X0x hugs && kisses X0x0X0x

2/14/2007 07:50:00 PM

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

2day moni' instead of keeping e damn klass quiet...contributed 2 e noise... anyway...2 day they play "dare" && winsome was suppose 2 kiss or slapp jonathan :DD but i dun tink she did either of 'em...the chang hui say "jonathan i help u slapp winsome u wann??" then jonathan say "u dare i kill u !!" wahh so protective...their lurve is still there... so swweeeettttt~!! and jian hui hugged cheryl wahahaha!! but its o.k. ...cause he is Ah-kua-2-be :DD lolx NCC was funn~!! we did drills :DD and 155cm looked wierd :DD lolx cherie's sis came baq... :DD she so chio lorr... hahas ...2morrow v.day liaox... && HQ is sad cause she nobody Date her outt :DD lolx

[i bit Julia...Wo0ts!!]


[ i'm lovin' it :DD ]

2/13/2007 09:01:00 PM

Monday, February 12, 2007

2day got baq sum CA1 paper...

  • geo' ;21/30
  • maths ;39/50
  • sci' ;27/50

geo i happie neba fail liao lehhs :DD and e sci missing 1 mk than 1 of e top in klass liao...cause i missing e last page lah...miss lau say lucky tat page onli 1 mk not 10 mks...cause e berNERD soh la...so cut ur tym in e 1st place then everybody so [kan jiong] then no check...then onli at e last few minutes then tell us give us baq ur 4 min...end up i onli noe tat i no last page when i saw shabrina doing e last question... then me && jasmine no last page >.<" alot of ppl HATE HYM!! and i wanna make a Anti-berNERD soh clubb >.<" sure got lots of ppl wann... he everyday speak english but teacher chinese...say so much story lyk no teach wann norhhx...tok so much CRAPP!! no wonder he is so crappy >.<"

2day moni' invest' :DD i assi' moni' :DD && i hate it >.<" lolx!! kelvin so my assis' moni' badge no nice... iidiot... but its true lahh >.<" 2 day e hme econs so disgusting...e vege e gravy so disgusting kelvin say look lyk shitt!! lolx... then e jonathan kipp on making me laugh!! haha... tok so much funny crapp :DD its diff frm berNERD soh's crapp!! jonathan's crapp are much more funnier and it doesn't spoil my day...unlike berNERD soh's crapp!! >.<"

tats all for now...


2/12/2007 05:29:00 PM

Saturday, February 10, 2007

2DAY NCC SO FUN SIIA~!! iie lurve itt :DD 2day 155cm never go NCC training...cause cherie say he onli gett e msg at 7am then dunno cause he still sleeping...but he got cum schl...haix...e 1st part of NCC is ok...except for e pumping part...my knee pain norhx...i rather do wat e boiis do... knee not pain wann...then rann a round e schl for 2X wahh so tiring...then we played "stepping" && "captain's ball" :DD so funn :DD

*~ iie lurve NCC ~* !! Wo0ts!! :DD

2/10/2007 06:01:00 PM

Friday, February 09, 2007

i hate jian hui; yisheng; ryan norhx...they all sissy wann...me; HQ; shermaine; errin; geraldine; linda playing volley ball while e other gurlls play captain ball & e boiis play basket ball during PE but they jus sitt there critise our volley ball skills...they so clever cum play lahs...then we scream at 'em then we started quarreling...then e idiotic Ryan say he sleepy wann 2 sleep in e middle of e quarrel...he quarrel lose liao then wann 2 get out of it...onli 3 letters 2 say...[WTF] !! they are confirm gay lorrs...

*~ IIE HATE 'EM!!! ~*

2/09/2007 05:40:00 PM

idiotic cheryl yao && huiqi sae i got lurve bite ytd nite cause i put plaster on my neck cause got 1 cut... >.<" so dirty minded... 2morrow got NCC:DD

2/09/2007 02:55:00 PM

my conversation (resubmitted...its not as long as e previ0us wann...)(it has lesser crapp...i delet sum of e crapp...)

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:
so sian

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
go think abt ur 155cm guythen not bored liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yisin at hur hse nw

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
dunno do wadd

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
whu hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yr hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
skalli he typingfer hur

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
denying the facts

# YEEXUAN - . says:
D: nopes

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
so can get away wif it

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
i am not yisin ~~!!! and he not at my hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
or issit??

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
NO!!! he not at my hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hw i noe huh>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
argh u go ask hym narhx

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:
ya lorh. we also not at ur house

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:
he sure deny dee orhh!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
he will deny der

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:
euu expect him to say Ya i at yeexuan hse.

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
argh!! he not at my hse!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
use yr braIN

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
IF AT surely deny wdd

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:
ya lorh!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
doo sumthinbg illegal

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
at such a young age]

# YEEXUAN - . says:
do wad

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
tuu young fer this

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
we are not!!

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:
later yisin kana get into jail arhh

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
she sae ok leh

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
sio turue der

# YEEXUAN - . says:
we no start we no "do"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yeah lata heart ache

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hw we noe?

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
tyou did it lkiao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
stil try tuu deny

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no we no start we no do

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hui qi

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: bb
sklaii tumorrow seh cum wif big stomach

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
# YEEXUAN - . says:
anyway where got so fast wannn..

# YEEXUAN - . says:
and is e jiali "pregnant"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
she scared liao

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
gtg liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. has left the conversation.

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

2/09/2007 01:15:00 PM

Thursday, February 08, 2007

my conversation wif huiqi && cheryl.y aft wierd hiar gurl left...
its stupid and funny at e same tym...

wa sian louis leave punggol liao haven got his hp number sian wish can ask the other senior for his hp num LOUIS ROCKS has left the conversation.

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
plae wif so many ppl

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you bie he go liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
a volley ball victim

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
same name

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
m,mii chinese name ish hui qi

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hu you?

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you add liao ma

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
i accept liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
kian jun rox

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:


# YEEXUAN - . says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hui qi yr hand pain?

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yes you are

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x)

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
yehh~!! 2morrow i'm gonna bit tat part pain wann

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x)

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
lonely~!! i'm mr lonely~!! i have nobody~!! of my own~!!

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
i no i [bai kah] my leg pain

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
dun curse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
things might happen

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yisin will take care of hur fer life!!!!!

# YEEXUAN - . says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! yisin =" love">

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
lovars fereva

# YEEXUAN - . says:
he lyk ue lorrs

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yeah huiq i

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
he like you

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>
my foot!

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
pr0 sia\

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
really arh dunn say liaolater huiping angry siia~!! haaha

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
mii beri open minded

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x)

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>hi-5!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
never mind you wil hab yr stride der

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
we like gt sumthing in commoc

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
making ppl angri

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says: -.-

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wait wait a minute

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you are hui qi or??

# YEEXUAN - . says:
she ish ChuaHuiQi

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
then you cal wadd

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hui ping?

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
i called biting alien~!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
i noe

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
wanna plae freesbie wif

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
sum ppl sae you flirt wif yisin??

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
so shorrtti dun wann bully hym

my foot!!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yisin furture wife la

# YEEXUAN - . says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

he wun lyk me wann narhxflirt 4 wad

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you wifw tuu be liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
so no need tuu worro

# YEEXUAN - . says:
yahh lykk reall siia~~!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
he confirm marri yuou

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yeah you are rite no need flirt

# YEEXUAN - . says:
hahha "very funny"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

# YEEXUAN - . says:
so many ppl lyk hym..

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
nth you can do tuu change it

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you are the queen in his heart

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
my foot!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
the wife tuu be inhis future

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
the child raiser in the babys future

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:

*cough cough**spits out water*

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
y yisin leyt you gib birth tuu many babdy liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
till you kannot tahan

# YEEXUAN - . says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
see pregent till you vomit

# YEEXUAN - . says:
u thinking dirty

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
dunno hw yisin

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
at lest he gt good taste

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
yahrh ritecalling zing cute is "gud taste"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
chio gal

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you close ears laios no is fake derhxx

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

dunno wadd medicine he take

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

inprove his taste budds

# YEEXUAN - . says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:

"i'm jus saying lol but i'm actually not laughing caused i cant be farked 2 say anything"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
you actually fucked wif yisin?

# YEEXUAN - . says:
tat gurll ish obsession && i CANT SAND HER HAIR


# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
she sand hur hair fer wadd

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
go beach neva wash hair

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
dirty fello

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
i hate her hair

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
e gurll frm 1A1 look lyk ahlian wan

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
the vivien or..

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
the galwif the frindge??

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
tt look like china gal??

# YEEXUAN - . says:
erhhhsumthing lyk tat larhx

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
she act chio nia

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
always flirt wif yr future hubby

# YEEXUAN - . says:
yahh lor

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hui qi

# YEEXUAN - . says:
argh type wrongly

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
she sae flirt wif hur future lao gong

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
tt mean sshe sae

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yisin ish hur future lao giong

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
realli lo

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
i neva sae you

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
ise hur

# YEEXUAN - . says:
cough no lorx

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
go think abt ur 155cm guythen not bored liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
yisin at hur hse nw

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
dunno do wadd

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says: whu hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: wahaha

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: yr hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: maybe??

# YEEXUAN - . says: no norhx

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: nah

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: haha

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: skalli he typingfer hur

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: denying the facts

# YEEXUAN - . says: D: nopes

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: so can get away wif it

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says: i am not yisin ~~!!! and he not at my hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: or issit??

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: hmmm....

# YEEXUAN - . says: NO!!! he not at my hse

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: hw i noe huh>

# YEEXUAN - . says:
argh u go ask hym narhx

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: ...

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: cannot

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: he will deny der

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: yes

# YEEXUAN - . says: argh!! he not at my hse!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: haiz

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: use yr braIN

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: IF AT surely deny wdd

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: doo sumthinbg illegal

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: at such a young age]

# YEEXUAN - . says: do wad

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: a=hem

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: sfy

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: tuu young fer this

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# YEEXUAN - . says: oookayyyy

# YEEXUAN - . says: we are not!!

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!!>

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: she sae ok leh

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: sio turue der

# YEEXUAN - . says: we no start we no "do"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: yeah lata heart ache

# YEEXUAN - . says: -.-

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says: hw we noe?

# YEEXUAN - . says: no norhx

wahahs xD i loveeee linda && yeexuan [my alien les ] x) <3ssssssss!!!!!!!! says: ya

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
tyou did it lkiao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
stil try tuu deny

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no we no start we no do

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
hui qi

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
sklaii tumorrow seh cum wif big stomach

# YEEXUAN - . says:
no norhx

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:
anyway where got so fast wannn..

# YEEXUAN - . says:
and is e jiali "pregnant"

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
she scared liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says: NO!!

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:
gtg liao

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. says:

# YEEXUAN - . says:

# cheryl....hahas dooms day ish finally over woots.. has left the conversation

2/08/2007 08:46:00 PM


color codes.