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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

2day Zing cried siia~ 2nd tym lors...he sumore guy lor... i tot [nan zi han liu xie bu liu lei]...he cried cause he noe tat alot gurl dun lyk hym >.<" lyk tat oso can cry...sec 1 liao lor...little bit little bit cry liaos...but its his fault tat e gurlls dun lyk hym lorrs...so flirt siia...recess e boiis go play b.ball...he go recess wif gurlls...sumore file oso got gurl pix...fone oso got... & hor he cry very scary wan norhx...stay oso still no move wan...then alot ppl say he lyk posses liao...i & wiinsome scared so go find miss lau...cannot find her so we go find mr cheong...on e way found "burger king" frm NCC wan...its a code name siia... then we go baq class...on e way i saw "mr hp" its oso a code name...oso frm NCC :DD then 2day chestnut shout until so loud lors...he sure have a loud voice ferr a small guy lyk hym :DD

[buh-buaiix] [iie go do maths HW liao]

1/31/2007 08:28:00 PM

i dun wanna be monitress!! i wanna be prefect siia~!! monitoress onli 1yr burt prefect ish 4yrs siia~!! i dun wanna be monitress siia... >.<

1/31/2007 08:00:00 PM

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

NCC SO FARN!!! I'LL NEBA WANNA QUIT IT :DD & e chestnut wear e uni' so farny...see liao kip on laughing... lolx :DD all e seniors sho fun...e highest ranking NCC person ish a gurll...so it proves tat gurlls are beta then boys:DD then e 2nd highest ranking...a guy...so farny siia :DD

e fun is un-rite-able...so tats all i can sae :DD

&& i shall sae t again...



1/30/2007 09:22:00 PM

Monday, January 29, 2007

2day so sianx...during geo class zing slept...then huiping said changhui look lyk drug addict...lolx...then i oso duno y kip on laughing 2day...lolx...then 2day chestnut kenah punished...i wonder why...2morrow ask huiping...she every tym got so much inside-info... lolx...2morrow got NCC!!! :DD so excited :DD


1/29/2007 05:50:00 PM

everyb0dy plss stop using e c0de-names iie

made ferr muaii clique tuh use leh~! very

irritating wann nehs~! s0 c0pykat

n0rhx...ownself g0 make ur 0wn c0de-

names larhx...stopp using 0urs lah...we use

1 day then e class use then e "0utsiders"

use >.<

c0pykats wan n0rhx... ue n0 creativity dun

use code names larh...everybody b0rn g0t

name fer ue tuh call wan...use tat name

narhx...dun c0py ppl c0de-name... >.<

[plss & thank qew~!]

1/29/2007 05:00:00 PM

Sunday, January 28, 2007


>Dominant in relationships.


>someone loves them right now.

>Freak in bed.

>Always wants the last word.







>Easy to talk to.

>Hard to forget.

i found tis on friendster :DD

1/28/2007 12:23:00 PM

Saturday, January 27, 2007

lyk it?? i drew it all buaii muaii self :DD
drawn on literature class x))
p.s. : tats e onli guy hair style iie noe how tuh draw xD

1/27/2007 08:16:00 PM

Friday, January 26, 2007

HS lurve story
100% true...
a very sad ending...
main characters: *J (boii) & W (gurll)
W and J are from 1e5'o7.They we ordinary friends the 1st few weeks, but on 23rd january 'o7...J confessed his love for W,and wanted 2 stead wif her.W accepted it cause she also had some feelings for him.it was a fairy tale e 1st few days.They passed love letters in class,talked together...just like any relationship would start.
But on 1 fateful evening...J called W.W on the loud speakers.Changhui was with J...he ask if J liked W and he said yes.Then he asked if W liked J and she said yes.But their conversation was all heard by W's sister and uncle...which then told W's mother.W's mother flew into a rage and scolded her for 30 minutes and wanted them to break up.If not she would transfer W to another school.
So W had no choice but to end their happy relationship.When Jheard the news, he cried.(seriously...no joke...) This showed how much he treasured their relationship.During classes...he was quiet...he cried secertly when noone was looking...he stole glaes at W...he forced himself to laugh... W tried to ignore him. She was smiling on e outside but she was broken on e inside. She is trying to think positive. It's a very sad ending for a happy relationship... It was suppose to be a Happy Ending... Its such a sad ending...

*names have been changed 2 protect one's privacy
this story is based on a real life love account fron 1e5 :DD
any interviews aren't welcome :DD
reported: yee[xuan]

1/26/2007 09:57:00 PM

Thursday, January 25, 2007

2day me linda & huiqi do "secrect mission to save e alien population" ... then we never tell huiping then she angry...so art lesson tat tym tell her e truth :DD then chinese lesson tat tym teacher cum late so e boys started playing...they actually start "squeezing" other guys [TOOT!] ...so er xin lorrs...then stupid changhui make sharon calculator spoil...then she cry >.< ...then after schl got v.ball ...then linda lyk very distracted so...kip on missing e ball...so i said e [kan nan ren] :DD then she angry wit me throw e ball so hard X'( ...and i'm still confused on wad 2 join... [NCC] or [V.BALL] or [BOTH] ?? gibb me ans!!

1/25/2007 08:24:00 PM

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

tuh day i got into v.ball as a core cca but i join NCC wif huiqi cause if i dun get into v.ball schl team then i quit v.ball concentrate on NCC :DD but i hope get into v.ball schl team lorrs...but e problem is tat e NCC is on TUES & v.ball is on TUES & THURS so there is a crash...haix...this is i 1st tym stressed since i was born...


1/24/2007 08:27:00 PM

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


  • in morning jonathan confess <3>
  • chestnut drop phone on floor after schl
  • linda say he look lyk he wanna cry x))
  • he lyk tuh "extra" as in lyk tuh "irritate" ppl...lyk me...
  • he called huiqi hopeless cause she wanna join badminton...
  • she wans revenge...
  • so durin v.ball i throw ball kana hym...
  • when take baq ball wet wet wann...EEYER...
  • at e end of v.ball have tuh thank coaches...
  • he interupt...so nid tuh do 10 pumpings x))
  • do until so farny...
  • when i go hme i realise my hand pay v.ball no more pain :DD

i <3>

sho farn:DD

1/23/2007 07:54:00 PM

Sunday, January 21, 2007

ahlians stop smoking in schl toilets...i dun wanna die of lung cancer...if u wanna commit sucide...i rather ue cut ur wrist and die of over bleedin'...its faster tat way...and ue can save $$ for e lung cancer treatment...


1/21/2007 08:08:00 PM

2day change blogg skin :DD

so happy :DD

give comments:DD

since i changed blogskin...

i shan't post abt my lyf 2day:DD

my lyf ain't tat interesting at hme...

my lyf belongs outside hme...

i need FREEDOM...

i crave fer freedom....

at hme i'm a zombie...

when i'm outside...



1/21/2007 01:43:00 PM

Saturday, January 20, 2007

2day gort 2 tution frm 12.30-2.30pm (sci) 2.30-4.30pm (math) so damn bored lor...luckily got bring chocs :)) eat in class...now e toopid sci got MATHS...lolx...i'm gonna flunk my sci...its so complicated...got micro-metre, millimetre, nano-metre ect ect...i only heard of ipod nano lors...never heard of nano-metre... >.<>


1/20/2007 08:16:00 PM

Anti-"SHE" clubb... (not S.H.E.)

  • me (leader)
  • huiqi
  • huiping
  • winsome
  • geraldine


  • noone ish suppose tuh befriend her or she'll be "expelled"
  • mus hab nthing tuh do wif her
  • mus not betray clubb members
  • mus have no same characteristics as her

anybody wanna join e clubb can ask miie at lauyeexuan@hotmail.com :DD


1/20/2007 08:00:00 PM

Friday, January 19, 2007

2day in schl...after drama we go locker put drama-bk & lit-bk inside...then Cool guy was there...when we walk past hym then he gave huiping eye contact then she kip on talkin abt it lors...then stay back design class rm ((: i lurve e class rm now ((: even ppl frm other class say nice...got ppl oso stop and look...yayy...i lurve my design...i oso took sum pix...but nort gonna post on blogg or friendster...u wanna see mus go '1e5' see ((: oso gort merit point x)) at firstwe run outta paint so miie and huqi go sprint 2 hougang point..but she slow so i oso mus slow...we go there but things liao then buy things 2 eat....take onli 10min...then draw e thing already...but still look kindda plain so wanna do hand print...but then jun ying spill e paint >.<" ...so i run every where look fer tissue paper 2 clean e mess...dun habb so i go drink store buy...then i run into D.D. CLOSE-UP!! ...anyway so we not enough paint so call jun ying go buy...he take 15 min 2 cum baq lorrs...fail NAPFA liao larh...abt 200m take 15min... arghh i got muscle ache...cuase kip on running up and down...if i lose wieght i dun mind doing it agn x))


1/19/2007 06:40:00 PM

Thursday, January 18, 2007

2day go volley ball...hand sho pain lors...muaii hands [bor lak] liao lor...cannot move...no strenght liao...almost sprain ankle >.<" cum baq frm volley ball...eat 1 prawn nugget & 1 curry puff (frm old chang kee) ...then drink soya milk...then go hme bathe...so diff wash hair lor...hand pain >.<" ...cannot lift up...then eat dinner...then full liao x)) then watch tv :)) then i was blog hopping around... chestnut tagboard lyk got sumthing wrong...or izzit my computer sumthing wrong...cannot see e...[name] [email/website] [msg] ...then hish friendster sho farny x))


1/18/2007 07:35:00 PM

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

2day found Chestnut hair & D.D. e friendster...but cudn't find Cool guy's friendster...

1/17/2007 08:00:00 PM

2day e hme econs sucks lor...stupid teacher kip on calling us stupid...anyway e guys frm our class wear apron so funny...i wanna use phone take their pix post on blogg and friendster but then lesson tym not suppose 2 use phone... >.<" ...all look lyk gay...hhahas...no offence XDD then i designed e class notice board wif huiqi & winsome...so tis friday going 2 carry outta design on e notice board... ntx tym show ue e design :DD


1/17/2007 07:00:00 PM

2day e hme econs sucks lor...stupid teacher kip on calling us stupid...anyway e guys frm our class wear apron so funny...i wanna use phone take their pix post on blogg and friendster but then lesson tym not suppose 2 use phone... >.<" ...all look lyk gay...hhahas...no offence XDD then i designed e class notice board wif huiqi & winsome...so tis friday going 2 carry outta design on e notice board... ntx tym show ue e design :DD


1/17/2007 07:00:00 PM

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

2day toopid huiqi winsome geraldine say tat they saw DD in Macs at hougang point...then they take pix of hym...then he saw then e grp stared at 'em...then they paiseh...sae is my fault...then wan me 2 say sorry...i never do anything wrong wad...so i never sae sorry lors...then they tell hym tat i lyk hym...so wad lors...but lucky geralinde saw they bluff me wan... >.<"

1/16/2007 03:14:00 PM

Monday, January 15, 2007

2day mr nice hair guy lose his nice hair style...
so sad :'(
...he go cut hair...
he ish no more "mr nice hair guy"…
he ish now "cool guy" :DD
2day take photo...
when waiting4 our turn toopid huiqi say D.D. ish gay...
she so bad lor...
sumore say he [bian xing]...

then 2day winsome never cum 2day so i habb tuh take care of e class...
so wad lor...
i lyk [chi po li zhang da de] lor...
kip on shoutin' oso no use...
teacher cum in then quite >.<

2day after schl me and onkek onkek stay baq find teacher...
when we cannot find teacher tat tym we wanna go baq 2 canteen...
then onkek onkek saw chestnut [short short prefect] sittin very very wierdly so call miie look...then when i look he stick out tongue lor...
he got 1 "come-and-punch-miie" look...
no offence...


1/15/2007 02:56:00 PM

i have admiration fer...
  • D.D./ pineapple (desmond frm 1E2)
  • chestnut/ mr banana/ short short prefect
  • mr Cool Guy...he was called "mr nice hair guy" b4 he cut his hair(prefect oso)
  • andd......... MUAII SELF !!

1/15/2007 02:22:00 PM

Friday, January 12, 2007

2day DRAMA CLASS was FARN :) e teacher so farny lors...make me laugh until got stitch... schl ended at 12pm ... but CCA orientation starts at 2.30pm...so me huiping & geraldine stayed baq in schl and played truth or dare...i choose DARE so i was suppose 2 call Desmond (e guy wif cute dimples :D ) go 2 place where we played e game... at 1st cannot find hym so we went up 2 e hall and tell ghost stories...after awhile...he came...so i go tapp his shoulder and ask hym go... then he follow... go there tat tym...huiping started laughing...so he paiseh then walk away...i oso very paiseh lor...but if dun do it mus do e stupid banana dance >.<" ...so no choice lor...haix... then on tat same dae i decided not 2 join netball ... so cud join gurl guide & volleyball...then i realise...mr banana/mr chestnut was in it...but no choice liao...cause rite down e name liao...


*[y dun ue jus look my way fer once....]*

1/12/2007 10:19:00 PM

Thursday, January 11, 2007

2day me & huiping gave code names 2 ppl :D such as...
  • mr banana/mr chestnut
  • mr nice hair
  • mr mushroom
  • D.D./mr pineapple

i shall not tell u ppl who it's...it's a secret :D

and tis guy frm my class e chinese bk got alot of huiqi's name...then we keep on laughing...then huiqi angry...but then its his cuz...so 2 bad 4 huiqi...

nthing much...


1/11/2007 08:14:00 PM

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

haix 2day nthing... so bored... in Geo lesson teacher ask e class got see aliean <4got> b4 or not...then everybody look at me...haix...


( no offence 2 any Hougeans...)

1/09/2007 05:29:00 PM

Monday, January 08, 2007

2day was SUPER FUN!!
me and muaii new found 'Hyper' friend...huiping...lyk me was makig fun of OnkekOnkek and tis very short short prefect...cause e prefect was lyk talking 2 OnkekOnkek... [its not tat type of normal talk...is tat type got feelings wan...] we can frm morning talk until end schl :DD

anyways 2day was CCA orientation :DD i'm planning on joining netball :DD i dun wanna join Judo cause u will end up flying across e room >.< and Wushu is Boring!! and i found 2 ex-SNGS ppl in Girl Guides x) Smiles x) i think Uni' grp is a waste of tym...BBBUT...HYPER!! i think OnkekOnkek wil find out wad shortie prefect is in and join it X))

:DD cant describe my dae anymore :DD buh buaii :DD


1/08/2007 08:55:00 PM


color codes.